Sunday, 14 February 2016

Natural Remedy For Your Aches And Pain

No matter where it hurts, aches and pains can wear you out. Fortunately, you don't have to rely on strong and often expensive painkillers, instead you can use natural therapies and remedies to help ease your discomfort.


  •  Try garlic oil treatment. Rub a garlic oil capsule between your hands to warm the oil, then pierce the capsule and place 1-2 drops in the affected ear.
  • Sit upright to help relieve the ear pressure. Chewing gums also help reduce ear pressure.


If you think your eardrum is ruptured, never drop fluids into your ear.

  •  If your ears become painfully blocked whenever you travel by plane, take horseradish tablets which is a herbal decongestant.
  •  Try the herbal form of chamomile for a mild earache and the homoeopathic form for a more painful one.


Eyes are strained if we see or focus on a particular object or computer screen or working in a bad light for a long time. Although eye strain is temporary, it can give a real hard time to a person. But there is no need to worry as you can get relief with these simple therapies below .

  •  Lie down and place either cucumber slices or cold used tea bags over both eyes. Relax for 10-15 minutes and then remove the cucumber or bags.
  •  If you suffer from dry eyes, boil 2 cups water with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda. Leave the solution to cool, then bathe your eyes.
  •  Add 1 tablespoon dried eye bright (available in market) to 1 teacup boiling water. Cover, cool and strain the solution through coffee filter paper and then bathe your eyes.
  • Warm your hands by rubbing them together, close your eyes and place your warm palm  over your eyes for 30 seconds without applying pressure on the eye lids. Repeat this few times in a day.


  •  If you are prone to headaches, make sure you snack little and often. Eating too little or infrequently results in fluctuating blood sugar levels which can kickstart a headache.
  •  Food sensitivities can be the cause of headaches. The four "Cs"- cheese, chocolate, citrus and caffeine are known culprits, as are red wine and port. If you notice that you suffer from headache every time you eat a certain food, eliminate that food from your diet.
  •  Boost your fiber intake with brown rice, oats and bran because constipation, surprisingly, can be a cause of headaches.
  •  Try white willow tablets or capsules. This natural herbal anti inflammatory is very similar to aspirin but doesn't cause stomach bleeding, which is one of aspirin's potentially serious side effects.


People who are allergic to aspirin or who suffer from ulcers should avoid this herb. When you feel a headache coming on, don't reach for pain-killers. Try 'brushing' it away by relieving muscle tension.Use either your fingertips or a moderately stiff hairbrush. Starting above an eyebrow, draw your fingertips or the brush over your head, back over your ear and down the back of your neck. Go back to the top of the eyebrow and do it again, starting a little to the right of the previous stroke. Do the same above the other eyebrow until you have covered your full head. To make sure the headache really has gone, repeat the whole procedure about half an hour later.   



Migraine are pulsating headache usually occuring in one side of the head.

  •  If you know that stress brings on a migraine, try biofeedback or relaxation training. Biofeedback technique teaches one the stress reduction techniques by providing information muscle tension, skin temperature, brain waves and other vital signs.
  •  Avoid aged cheese, pickles, cured meats, red wine, beer, nuts, oranges and caffeinated drinks. These foods contain compounds known as amines that are notorious migraine triggers. Chocolate is also a culprit.
  •  Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (eg: salmon and tuna) reduces the likelihood of clotting and so may help to prevent your migraines.
  • The use of peppermint ,lavender and ginger oils may help relieve migraine headaches simply by smelling it or applying it on the skin.


  •  Have a cup of tea. Chamomile is especially good for pain from tension or sluggish digestion. Parsley-seed tea relaxes the intestinal muscles. Peppermint tea is excellent to treat cramping.
  •  Depending on your symptoms, try these homoeopathic remedies: Nux vomica- if you have eaten or drunk too much and feel queasy or Arsenicum album- if you have heartburn and you also feel chilled.
  •  Try stress-relieving strategies, such as regular exercise and relaxation. When you are stressed, blood levels of stimulating hormones increase and make the muscle in your stomach tense, leading to the sensation of 'butterflies' in the stomach or actual pain.


  •  Take off your shoes and sit down. Stretch your legs out and rotate both ankles clockwise and then anticlockwise. Wiggle your toes.
  •  Massage your feet. Use your thumbs to rub up and down the arch of each foot with firm circular movements. Roll each foot over a rolling pin or empty bottle while seated.
  •  Soak your feet for 10 minutes in a basin of warm water containing 2 tablespoons Epsom salt. Pat dry, then wrap a few ice cubes in a wet face washer and rub it over your feet and ankles for a zingy effect.


  •  Blend 15 ml of a neutral-scented oil such as almond oil with 3-5 drops eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint or wintergreen essential oil. Gently rub the mixture on the sore muscles. Store the mixture in a cool, dry place in a dark-coloured glass bottle.
  •  Infuse 1 tsp dried chilli flakes in 2 tbsp sunflower oil overnight. Strain through a coffee filter before use. Test for sensitivity on a small area first and keep away from the eyes.
  •  Spread castor oil all over the afflicted joint. Put cotton wool over the oil, then apply a heating pad or hot-water bottle.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Why do we Dream?

"Oh I had a strange dream today but I don't remember what it was " - This phrase has been heard every now and then. But have you asked yourself why we dream? or  when do we dream? or why do we forget our dreams? or even why some dreams left us waken and frightened in the middle of the night? Well that will be a mystery unfolding itself... lets see if we have an answer

What are Dreams ?

Dreams are series of images of  ideas and emotions rather than a movie, that usually occur involuntarily in the mind of the dreamer during certain stage of sleep.Mostly dreams occur in the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of the sleep when the activity of the brain resembles that of being awake. It is not necessary that dream occur only in the REM stage of sleep but other stages of sleep which is less memorable and less intense.

What Happens in the REM stage of sleep?

The Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep is characterized by abundance of neurotransmitter (chemical compounds that relay information) Acetylcholine and nearly complete absence of neurotransmitter Histamine, serotonin and nor-epinephrine. According to studies electrical and chemical activity for the REM stage starts in the brain stem. The electrical and chemical stimulus leads to the production of low voltage desynchronized brain waves and low muscle tone throughout the body due to inhibition of the motor neurons causing almost complete paralysis called REM atonia.
          The REM stage is immediately followed by clusters of brain waves from the brain stem that reaches the peak at the visual cortex leading to rapid eye movement. During this stage both the hemispheres are more coherent than in the state of being awake.

Why do we Dream?

This question itself arise a series of questions like do the dreams have some motives ? Does it relate to something else? Does it tells me of something that might happen in the future? To answer these complicated mystery various theories have been put forward from time to time to explain why we dream but till now no one is sure of which one stands out the rest.   

Some experts say dreams are just random activity of the brain over our thoughts. So, that might be one reason why we see particular events or person about whom we have thought deeply enough for our brains to seep out the memory. Whereas some says dreams are manifestations of our deepest desires and anxiety. And some experts say dreams are ways to take out creativity, to solve problems in our daily lives. Well that need a hard foundation to believe to.

How dreams affect our body ?

Some studies show dreams are necessary for physical, mental and emotional health. While deprivation from dream can affect the body adversely. In a study where people passed the REM stage has been stopped from dreaming experienced Anxiety, difficulty in concentrating, weight gain, lack of concentration, lack of coordination, tendency to hallucinate and depression. So its better to dream than not to.

Do we remember our dreams ?

Well not all dreams can be remembered but some. Dreams that are dreamt in the REM stage of sleep can be remembered and recalled  more easily. Whereas dreams in other stage of sleep are less vivid and hard to recall. It is said, the reason for forgetting dreams is shut down of  memory centers which creates memories during sleep. While some says memories are created but dreams are hard to access.

Types of Dreams 

1. Nightmares

A Nightmare is an unpleasant or so called Bad dreams which causes a strong negative response on the dreamer. The dreamers of nightmare usually wake up in fear or anxiety.
Nightmares are said to occur for the following reasons - Sleeping in awkward positions, stress, anxiety and drugs. Until and unless it turns to reality nightmares are of no harm.

2. Lucid Dream 

Lucid dream is a dream where the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming. The dreamer may allegedly have some degree of control over the dream and its outcome. In a lucid dream you can have the edge to decide in which direction you want to take your dream into or what shall be the final goal of your dream. It usually occurs in a hybrid state of sleep which is between REM stage and being awake.

Thus Aristotle wrote : 'Often when one is asleep, there is something in conciousness which declares that what that present itself is but a dream'. 

3. Day Dreaming

Day dreaming is actually a state of fantasy of one's happy thoughts, imaginations and hopes experienced while awake. During Daydreaming a person's contact with reality is blurred and substituted with fantasy. A daydreamer can be easily brought back into reality through distraction. Some people are easily carried away in day dreaming once they try to fulfill their wishes through thoughts. While studies show many creative ideas develop during daydreaming.

4. Dreams of Absent Minded Transgression

They are dreams where the dreamer absent mindedly performs an action that he or she has been trying to stop. Here one's thought itself put the person in a state where he might keep pushing himself to stop the action. For example : Dream of lighting a cigarette who is pushing himself to quit. Usually people having this type of dream wake up in guilt as it is the same action he or she is trying to stop in reality.

5. Recurring Dream

A Recurring dream is sometime pleasant and sometime unique, which is experienced repeatedly over a long period by the dreamer. The same dream that disturbs you may have something to tell you according to some experts.
                                        Some studies show that the commonest of Recurring dreams is the one dreaming of being chased and pursued and contributes to more than half of recurring dream theme. People
suffering from Obstructive compulsive disorder, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder are more prone to recurring dream.

6. False Awakening

A false awakening is a vivid and convincing dream about waking up from sleep, while the dreamer is actually sleeping.

7. Mutual Dream

A mutual dream occurs when two person sees a dream at the same time sharing same emotion and same theme and environment. Though scientific research has been carried on this type of dream, its still a type of paranormal of its own.


  • Studies through REM show even animals dream. Dolphin show minimal rapid eye movement while armadilo and oppasum are among most prolific dreamers.
  • Studies show 75% of the dreams are unpleasant.
  • An average person have 3-5 dreams in a night .
  • In a life span an average person spends a total of about six years dreaming.
  • According to Hinduism, dream is the third state in the human lifetime other two being Awake sate and Sleep state.
  • A person who explores a dream world, usually associated with Lucid dreaming are called Oneironaut and the study of dream is called Oneirology.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


As soon as you play the video you will realize that you have somehow heard or hummed these songs at some part of 2015. These video features the mash up of the best pop songs of 2015 which has hit the top of the chart and some even managed to get a Grammy nomination. 
Be it Drake's sexy piece 'Hotline Bling', Adele's powerful 'Hello' after three years or Grammy nominee The Weeknd's  'Can't feel my face', name any its all in one song that can make you tap a feet till the end .

Uploaded by Rajiv Dhall in his youtube channel.

Monday, 8 February 2016


Torture is the known and intentional act of inflicting physical or psychological pain on an organism as a means of punishment. Torture has been carried out throughout history from ancient times to modern day. It has been an unavoidable reality for many people who had been the victim of such events. The use of intellect for the non humanitarian cause led to the invention of such devices and here are some cruel devices to prove the point.


Brazen Bull was one of the cruel execution device designed in Ancient Greece. The Perillos of Athens invented the device for executing criminals and proposed to Phalaris of Sicily. The device was a hollow bull made entirely of bronze with a entry door on one side. The bull was incorporated with tube and stoppers so that the scream of the criminals  would be converted into the sound like the bellowing of an infuriated bull. The criminals are placed inside the bull through the entry door and locked while the executioner set fire all around the bull until the heating metal roast the person to death. The bones were later on collected and crafted into bracelets and ornaments for market purpose.

The most interesting fact about Brazen bull is that, the invention led to the death of the inventor in the self designed device itself. Sad but True.


 It is a torture device in the form of a stool where the seat is in the form of a pyramid facing upward. It was used during the time of spanish inquisition. The victim was hanged with waist harness and seated above the pyramid seat with the point inserted in the a**s or vag**a ,then the victim is slowly lowered by ropes. The act causes intense pressure and stretches the orifice causing the muscle tissue to tear apart which could turn into septic and kill the victim form infection. During the act the Victims are made naked and legs are tied to increase humiliation.


It was a brutal torture device used as a means of capital punishment from the historical period of greeco - roman world to modern times. The wheel which is a wooden wagon with radial spokes , is used for public execution by breaking the bones of the criminals bludgeoning to death. The criminals limbs were smashed  with a club or iron cudgel, until it breaks . Once the bones were broken, the victims limbs were braided into the spokes of the wheel. The wheel is then erected horizontally on a tall pole for the birds to eat the body so that the victim die slowly with agony. The event of the wheel breaking the criminal is witnessed by many people as it attracted more public then the usual hangings .


Cucking stools were chairs used for punishing disorderly women, women who broke public peace by habitual arguing and quarelling with nieghbour, in England and Scotland. The stools were used to enforce law through social humiliation. The stools had no standard design. The victims were tied to the chair and exposed at her door or site of her offence for public humiliation. Some chairs are crafted with wheels so that the victim can be pulled all around the parish for humiliation. Some are tied to the chair and plunged into water. hence also called ducking stool.


The wooden horse is one of the gruesome torture device used in the medieval ages. The device was a V shaped wooden wedge facing upward mounted on a saw horse like support.The victim is put astride , naked on the horse like riding a horse and the victim's feet is tied with weights and carried throughout the town until the victim,s body is sliced into two. 


The Iron maiden was a medieval torture device consisting of an iron cabinet with spikes on the inner surface and hinged front, tall enough to enclose a human being.The door allows the entry of the victims and were closed once the victim were inside. The closing of the door cause the spikes to impale the victim's vital organs. The spikes were placed in specific positions so that the victim would not die immediately instead linger and bleed to death over several hours.Two spikes were specially place in order to penetrate the eyes. The device was also known as Iron maiden of Nuremberg where it was popularized and displayed for the first time in 1802 although many thought it to be more of a fiction.

N.B. The above article is purely meant for information and not for any other purpose.

Saturday, 6 February 2016


Bumps, bruises, swellings, bites and stings are part of everyday life. For minor ailments there is no need to visit the doctor but if it persists for long, medical attention is necessary. There are some natural solutions to treat such ailments. These solutions help to avoid potential side effects from synthetic ingredients and also saves money.


Boils are also called furuncle is a collection of pus that forms in the skin. Boils can occur anywhere in the body and are painful.

  •  Do not squeeze a boil. Doing so will be painful and there is a risk of spreading the infection. It will eventually burst or open up spontaneously within two weeks.
  •  Mix 250 grams of elm powder with enough water to make a paste. Carefully spread it over the boil and then cover with a sterile gauze. Leave it in place until it is cool. Repeat twice a day until the boil discharges.
  • The area must be kept clean and hands washed after touching.
  •  If you are prone to boils, drink immune boosting teas.
  •  Large painful boils and abscesses require medical assistance.


Bruises occurs when capillaries and veins are damaged by trauma allowing blood to seep into the surrounding interstitial tissues which does not break through the skin.

  •  Eat more citrus fruits, red and green capsicums, kiwi fruit, spinach and broccoli for their vitamin C content.It is thought that people with low levels of vitamin C bruise more easily.
  •  Apply an ice pack quickly. Cooling numbs the area and also constricts blood vessels so that less blood spills into the surrounding tissues to cause discoloration and swelling.
  •  Use a menthol based ointment to increase circulation which speeds healing and reduces discoloration.
  •  Avoid taking aspirin or anti hypertensive drugs if you can. These two medications may increase bruising.
  •  Ask your doctor for advice if you bruise easily.


  •  Wearing perfume and brightly colored clothes and eating sweet, sticky food increases the chances of being stung or bitten by insects. Cover your skin and hair and wear pale clothing.
  •  Consider taking bromelin. This is an enzyme derived from pineapple. It may help to reduce swelling.
  •  Try taking vitamin B1 to repel mosquitoes. It is thought to produce a skin odor that mosquitoes dislike.
  •  Use an ice pack or calamine lotion to calm red, irritated or itchy skin. Use a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water to ease pain and itchiness.
  •  Apply calendula ointment to relieve the inflammation.


Sunburn occurs from overexposure to ultra violet rays from the sun.

  •  Before spending a day at the beach, take antioxidant supplements such as vitamins A, C and E. Although vitamins wont protect from becoming sunburnt but research has found that they may slow the sun's ageing effects.
  •  If you are badly sunburnt, you may also be dehydrated. Until the symptoms of sunburn ease, drink 2 litres of water a day and avoid alcohol.
  • Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to a cool bath and soak in it for 15 minutes.
  •  Use a lip balm to soothe burnt lips. Remember to re-apply it after eating or drinking.
  •  To speed healing, pierce a vitamin E capsule and massage the oil once skin has formed over the burn.


Hives are itchy lumps that can be caused by stress, emotional upset or reaction to allergies. Hives are pale red, raised, itchy medical terminology they are called Urticaria.

  •  Try to relieve the itch and swelling without taking antihistamines(if not severe)
  •  Rub ice cubes over the lumps to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the swelling caused by the cells releasing histamine.
  •  Use calamine lotion (astringent famous for its ability to soothe rashes). Milk of magnesia may also help, especially when chilled.
  •  If you suspect emotional upset, try some nerve-calming teas.

Friday, 5 February 2016


There are many instances of experiencing Pleasure and Pain in our Everyday life. No one can deny it. In a simply sense pleasure comes to us when we acquire something we love and like, and the things what benefits us. Pain also comes to us through the opposite door of the premise of Pleasure, which hurts us. It is the universal principal of the human heart. It thus happens from the one corner of the world to the other, acts beneficent or hurtful are the prime sentiments of like or dislike.

                                         Sometimes you are not concerned that an act is comfortable or contrary, to the interest of those whom it affects, an action is only judged to be good or bad because it pleases or displeases you, as you are the judge.
                                                           The best thing about this philosophy is that there are variety of objects and their various colors like the flowers, the birds, the trees, the music etc which gives us plenty of pleasure by sight, smell, taste which are a pleasure of sense.The pleasure of riches, is a joy of enjoyment and security. It is most lively at the moment of acquisition.The pleasure of address, a person who touches or plays the harpichord, the pleasure is perfectly distinct from that of hearing the same piece of music executed by another. The right to expect from your friend arises spontaneously in the pleasure of friendship. Pleasure of piety, when you pray to God you spontaneously expect favor from him.The transport of joy which Archimedes felt at the solution of difficult problems is the pleasure of knowledge. Similarly pleasure of hope where you hope some future pleasure.

                                         But the pleasure and the pain are the two sides of the same coin. No one can expect only pleasure in their life without pain. As for example the fear of being offended the supreme being. If they are thought to be well founded, it is religious fear, if  ill founded it becomes superstitious fear. If you desire a certain pleasure, but there is a mere fear of wanting it then hope of obtaining, it forms the pain of desire.

 If you have strong hopes of enjoying the pleasure, but hopes have suddenly failed arise the pain of disappointment.

   How do you deal with this happenings? Pleasure and pain in your life, is it an unavoidable concept? Lets have a look at the Hindu scripture The Gita ,the manual for life.
                                     The Gita says "Learn to Endure". You must therefore learn to face the situations with calm and composure, and bear them with serenity of mind. You must know that these situations are bound to pass away.You have no option.You should meet these situation with the evenness of mind. Equanimity must be maintained in both cases.Though it may not be easy in practical life, but a correct understanding and constant practice of endurance will help you definitely.
 In recent years, the way people celebrate happiness on any occasion as for birth of a child, marriage in a family and many other small occasions has been changed dramatically. It is natural to feel happy in these pleasant situations but we actually know how much of time and money is wasted in these events. Actually it is desirable to  avoid such wastage.
   One must face and go along the current of what happens in life. Life shall then be at peace and purposeful. The struggle of life has to be sustained through pleasure and pain. Then life will be a beautiful journey from this earth to heaven .

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Indigestion, constipation and heartburn are no fun, but atleast one of them will bother you at sometime. There is usually no serious underlying problem but it helps to learn some ways to remedy the situation or to simply prevent it from occuring in the first place.And it always feels good to be feeling good on the inside.


  • Constipation
  • bloating
  • Diarrhaea 
  • Vomitting
  • Heartburn
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)


1. Check for the milk connection. Lactose intolerance could be the culprit behind your digestive upsets. Calcium-fortified rice or soy milk are great substitutes.

2. Check your medications. A wide variety of drugs like anti-histamines and anti-depressants can upset your stomach. Ease the acid reflux and indigestion by taking 1-2 teaspoons of Slippery elm powder in a glass of warm water.

3. Have a good laugh. Laughing has a 'massaging' effect on the intestines and counters stress (which can make the bowel sluggish).It also gives a healthy workout to the diaphragm,thorax, heart and the lungs.

4. Drink enough water. Every adult needs a minimum of about 2 litres of fluid daily to ensure efficient digestion and elimination.

5.Go easy on your intake of caffeine (found in coffee and chocolate) and avoid soft drinks and greasy foods. These can exacerbate digestive problems.

6. Get moving. Inactivity can result in a sluggish digestion. Regular exercise moves food through the bowel faster.

7. Focus on dietry fibres. Recommended daily dose of fibre is 30 grams. It is not difficult to get it if you choose foods carefully. Try fresh or dried fruit, vegetables, nuts, cooked dried beans and whole grains. Increase your intake slowly to avoid gas attacks.

8. Eat pineapple or kiwi fruit after meals. These foods contain enzymes that assist digestion. Try chewing cardamon and have flavour food with rosemary and mint. These foods make the digestive juices flow.

9. Antibiotics not only attack harmful bacteria but they also kill off the 'friendly' bacteria (Probiotics) that help to digest food in the gut. To replace the good bacteria take a Quality probiotic supplement. 
Fermented milk drinks and some yogurts are a good source.

10. Go to toilet as soon as you feel the need.Ignoring the urge to go can cause a variety of digestive problems.

11. Drink warm lemon water every morning. It improves Digestion ,regulates bowel movements and boost immune system.


For constipation, take a dose of psyllium seed. It is tasteless, inexpensive and very safe (even if taken for long time). Grind together 2 parts psyllium seed with 1 part flaxseed and 1 part chopped dried figs. Take 1 tbsp mixed with yoghurt every night before bed.

Eating healthy has become a new life style for people by following a certain diet regime.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016



 "There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving , and that's your own self."

Selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone camera or webcam or digital camera.


Selfie Stick is a monopod (tripod minus 2 legs) which is used to mount and then extend a smartphone or camera away from the body in order to take low or high angled photographs of oneself or family or group of friends.

                                Requirements of  a Selfie Stick

Selfie stick should provide a way to capture photos remotely whether it be a wired connection or bluetooth and without having to tap the phone's screen or press a button on the phone itself.

Selfie stick should be compatible with the handset while also accomodating different phones or cameras of various sizes and weight.

                               Kinds of Selfie Stick

1. Selfie stick without bluetooth

2. Selfie stick with a bluetooth remote

3. Selfie stick with inbuilt bluetooth

4. Selfie stick with a cable 

                               Parts of Selfie Stick

  •  An extendable stick
  •  A handle
  •  Phone/camera holder or bracket (mount)

               Important characteristics of Selfie Stick

1. Mount compatibility/ adjustability

                                      Most selfie sticks come with a mount that adjusts in width in order to securely hold the smartphone in a horizontal position. A rubberised clamp or bracket that firmly squeezes around the device is one of the most common types. Almost all selfie sticks will offer upto 180 degrees in adjustability, which should allow one to take a wide range of selfies at different angles.

2. Folded length and total reach

                                      Selfie sticks are supposed to be portable. Most selfie sticks will fold to about 8 inches in length but there are a few models that collapse to a shorter length for easy storing in a backpack or purse or pocket.Selfie stick should extend far enough away from the body to get the shot one wants.

3. Build Quality


                                   Selfie stick should have durable build and made of quality materials. It should be light weight yet still sturdy enough. It should provide a better grip and balance when held aloft.

4. Camera control and connectivity

                                          Selfie stick is more than just a metal rod that attaches to the phone. It is also a remote control. Almost all models have a button built into the handle and one can snap a picture or start recording a video with a press of the button. But for the device to recognize such a command, it needs to be connected to the selfie stick.

5. Accessories and speciality rigs

                                          Selfie stick may be available with a tonne of different accessories including lanyards, belt clips, mirrors, flip lock extensions etc.Some selfie sticks have zoom and focus controls built into the handle. Selfie sticks come in all shapes and sizes.

                           How to use a Selfie Stick

1. Selfie stick without bluetooth function

  • Mount phone or camera on the selfie stick. Pull the bracket and once the bracket opens, place the phone in the bracket. Gently release the bracket so that the phone is snug and secure.
  •  Adjust angle of the device used and then tighten the screw.
  •  Extend the stick to desired length.
  •  Set the camera/smartphones's built in timer.
  •  Smile and get ready for the selfie

2. Selfie stick with bluetooth shutter/remote


  •  Power up bluetooth shutter either by charging or inserting batteries
  • Switch on the bluetooth shutter and bluetooth of the smartphone. Try to search for the name of the bluetooth shutter in the phone.
  •  Once connected open the camera app and click on the button on the bluetooth shutter.
  •  Some camera settings of the smartphone may need to be changed.
  •  Take photos

3. Selfie stick with inbuilt bluetooth system


  • This uses bluetooth pairing. Pair the phone to the stick handle. The procedure to operate is similar to the selfie stick with bluetooth shutter/remote except that the button is on the selfie stick itself.                                                                  
4. Selfie stick with a cable


  • The selfie stick has a cable with 3.5 mm jack. It does not use bluetooth pairing. Instead there is a tiny coiled cable poking out from the top of the selfie stick which is plugged into the smartphone where earphones are plugged. The cable is seen by the phone as headphone devices. The smartphone is mounted or clamped in place. Press the camera button on the stick in order to take photos and videos.

                     Common problems of Selfie Stick

  •  Stick bend downwards
  •  Bluetooth run out of battery
  •  Fail to pair up devices
  •  Stick does not extend smoothly

                      Top Apps to use Selfie Stick


  •  Camera 360
  •  Selfishop camera
  •  Stick camera
  •  Stable camera (selfie stick)
  •  Best me selfie camera