Friday, 5 February 2016


There are many instances of experiencing Pleasure and Pain in our Everyday life. No one can deny it. In a simply sense pleasure comes to us when we acquire something we love and like, and the things what benefits us. Pain also comes to us through the opposite door of the premise of Pleasure, which hurts us. It is the universal principal of the human heart. It thus happens from the one corner of the world to the other, acts beneficent or hurtful are the prime sentiments of like or dislike.

                                         Sometimes you are not concerned that an act is comfortable or contrary, to the interest of those whom it affects, an action is only judged to be good or bad because it pleases or displeases you, as you are the judge.
                                                           The best thing about this philosophy is that there are variety of objects and their various colors like the flowers, the birds, the trees, the music etc which gives us plenty of pleasure by sight, smell, taste which are a pleasure of sense.The pleasure of riches, is a joy of enjoyment and security. It is most lively at the moment of acquisition.The pleasure of address, a person who touches or plays the harpichord, the pleasure is perfectly distinct from that of hearing the same piece of music executed by another. The right to expect from your friend arises spontaneously in the pleasure of friendship. Pleasure of piety, when you pray to God you spontaneously expect favor from him.The transport of joy which Archimedes felt at the solution of difficult problems is the pleasure of knowledge. Similarly pleasure of hope where you hope some future pleasure.

                                         But the pleasure and the pain are the two sides of the same coin. No one can expect only pleasure in their life without pain. As for example the fear of being offended the supreme being. If they are thought to be well founded, it is religious fear, if  ill founded it becomes superstitious fear. If you desire a certain pleasure, but there is a mere fear of wanting it then hope of obtaining, it forms the pain of desire.

 If you have strong hopes of enjoying the pleasure, but hopes have suddenly failed arise the pain of disappointment.

   How do you deal with this happenings? Pleasure and pain in your life, is it an unavoidable concept? Lets have a look at the Hindu scripture The Gita ,the manual for life.
                                     The Gita says "Learn to Endure". You must therefore learn to face the situations with calm and composure, and bear them with serenity of mind. You must know that these situations are bound to pass away.You have no option.You should meet these situation with the evenness of mind. Equanimity must be maintained in both cases.Though it may not be easy in practical life, but a correct understanding and constant practice of endurance will help you definitely.
 In recent years, the way people celebrate happiness on any occasion as for birth of a child, marriage in a family and many other small occasions has been changed dramatically. It is natural to feel happy in these pleasant situations but we actually know how much of time and money is wasted in these events. Actually it is desirable to  avoid such wastage.
   One must face and go along the current of what happens in life. Life shall then be at peace and purposeful. The struggle of life has to be sustained through pleasure and pain. Then life will be a beautiful journey from this earth to heaven .

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