Tuesday, 2 February 2016



To lead a healthy life, we need to take account of the full range of factors that can influence our health. The philosophy of health recognizes that the body and mind are inter-related and that if one is out of balance, it can affect the other.
A demanding job, too many personal commitments and a polluted environment are some of the factors that can put us at risk of stress and affect our health and well being.
It is not possible to avoid stress entirely but there are ways to restore equilibrium that do not involve stimulants or medical intervention.

Following are some remedies to counter the effects of stress -


 Laugh more. Laughter is really the best medicine. It disrupts negative thoughts, boosts the immune system, relaxes the muscles and stimulates the release of feel-good brain chemicals (endorphins).


Practice breathing properly. When we are tense, we don't
breathe deeply and the shallow breaths we take contribute to our feeling of anxiety.

Try taking one breath every 6 seconds. Do this twice a day, 10 minutes per session and it will become a healthy habit.


Move vigorously. Aerobic activity helps metabolise the stress hormones that are created when we are angry or tense. Fresh air and sunshine can also improve the mood.


 Avoid the triggers that lead to stressful situations. Eg: if you find difficult to cope with crowd,rearrange your time-table to avoid travelling during rush hours.


 Check your medications. Sometimes the things you take to reduce stress may be having adverse effects. Eg: sleeping pills can produce a next day hangover. Also some hypertension medicines or cough syrups may have unexpected side effects such as poor sleep.


Try to cut down on cigarettes (which contain nicotaine) and coffee or chocolates (which contain caffeine). These may
provide a temporary lift but can produce some side effects like jittery feelings.

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